How to Create Value Content for Your Blog or Newsletter

How to Create Value Content for Your Blog or Newsletter

How to Create Value Content for Your Blog or Newsletter

Writing high quality articles to feed fresh content to a blog or to publish a newsletter is an excellent strategy for a website or Internet business to start attracting visitors from its target market and cease to be invisible to the niche to which it it is directed. Value content helps build inbound links which translates into more gateways for visitors, generates good reputation in order to be recognized as an authority within an sector or industry and to build relationships of trust, credibility, and mutual benefit.

Many entrepreneurs and SMEs online when they sit in front of the computer or laptop to generate valuable content, are predisposed negatively because they think they have nothing new, fresh or unique to offer or say to their subscribers, which leads them to block and suffer “the syndrome of the screen blank”.

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Writing quality content for a blog or newsletter is not really as difficult as you think, since if you chose your niche properly, it is because you know it in depth and surely you know many things about your business that your visitors and potential clients, want or need to know.

I’m going to give you some steps that can help you generate content correctly, quickly and effectively.

1. Give your visitors what they are looking for.
The content on which you will write will depend on the target market of your business. For example, if you are a computer scientist, talk to them about the latest software, updates or electronic devices. If you have a boutique, comment on the latest trends in fashion.

It does not matter if you have a blog, an online store or a newsletter editor, you should always give your readers what they are looking for and hope to find. Offer them something new to think about, teach them what they do not know, become their expert and a reliable source of information for them.

2. Observe and analyze your visitors and potential clients.
The ideal is to write about topics that meet, meet the needs or fill the desires of their visitors, meaning content of value that is useful to their readers. The first thing you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of your readers and think.

– What are your most frequently asked questions?
– What do they need to learn or improve?
– Why topic are they more interested?
– How to solve a certain problem?

Use these answers as valuable information to show your expertise on a topic of high interest in order to use it to offer your knowledge in your blog, or bulletin either in the form of articles or in courses of high value.

3. Your style: “Be yourself”.
If you have already had business before, surely you know how to address and talk to your customers. To address them you should always use an appropriate tone and style to communicate, the same thing happens when you are writing, you also need to feel comfortable with your own voice, and develop your own personal style:

Imagine sitting at your desk in front of your visitors when you are writing your posts or newsletters. Put yourself in the shoes of your readers, think about what you would like to read if you were their reader.

Keep in mind that an article or bulletin with very dense content causes your visitors to lose interest and leave, remember the golden rule: “less is more”. Most likely they will enjoy reading their content when it is fun, has personality and information is useful and interesting.

4. Some ideas for your blog or newsletter.
Some ideas for developing high-value content for your blog or newsletter by subscription:

You should not disclose all the secrets of your sector or industry to the readers of your newsletter, however you must offer useful and valuable content to bring visitors to your business to later convert your readers into customers, reserve the complete information for develop a product, e-book or for a membership restricted club.

Write tips, tips, strategies, techniques, tips, store opening information, events, fairs, software updates, new products or services, or short articles that you can include directly within your newsletter.

5. How your message should be.
Whether you publish content of value for a blog or a newsletter by subscription, write articles periodically, you will need the message you are going to pass on to your visitors and readers to arouse interest and have some essential elements in their construction, for which will have to follow basic rules to create content and you should also know how to write sales letters.

If you write an article or weekly bulletin, in addition to these essential elements I recommend that each content you generate has a brief summary, it could also include a brief report for example from your customer service center, an employee, an anecdote, an brief case study or testimony from a subscriber or visitor, show what you or your business did for a client, tell a story and also why not, use humor, empathize with your readers and create human relationships.

This will give added value to the contents of your blog or newsletter making your message come alive and connect with your readers, every element that includes should be an opportunity for your visitors and readers to go to your blog, where they can learn more you on the subject that interests them, this way you will be closer and, they will be able to see your products or services.

6. Analyze what your visitors are looking for.
The great thing about websites and online businesses is that everything is measurable. After you have published your article or newsletter, you have to analyze the results offered by the traffic tool you use on your site, which will tell you which articles and content are most interesting for your readers. Then you can start using that information to know what interests you most, what they are looking for and hope to find, which will help you to create new high value content for your visitors.

7. Do not destroy the confidence of your readers.
Articles and newsletters serve to generate relationships between your visitors and your business, so it is legitimate that from time to time send offers or promotions to your list of subscribers. For example, if a fashion expert writes about trends in your industry, it is wise to recommend a product that meets this challenge.

However, be very careful to maintain a close relationship of 75 percent of bulletins with high value content and 25 percent promotion or advertising of your products or services.

Readers who subscribe to a newsletter with the promise of receiving high-value content and then are bombarded with advertising or are continually receiving undercover advertisements in a bulletin board or post will feel cheateds and will inevitably lose them.

8. Give your readers the opportunity to comment on their content.
Invite the dialogue between your visitors and your business, feedback is very important, encourage and arouse some controversy, bidirectional communication allows you to better know what they like and helps you in the process to create and develop new content.

9. Link to other articles.
A smart strategy to keep more time tied to your visitors inside the blog of your business on the internet is to link to other articles that are inside your own website when it is necessary to go deeper or clarify a specific topic to which reference is made.

You can even go further and make strategic alliances to link to other authors’ articles, if these are pertinent. If you see an article of interest, ask permission from the author to link to that article, or to post it on your site citing the source.

Through this strategy of crossing articles written by other experts, your target audience will increasingly value your blog or newsletter, this way you will get them to follow your content to keep abreast of latest industry trends and ideas or relevant information that is useful to them. It is about delivering the highest value content possible.

Learning to create content of value for your blog or bulletin by voluntary subscription is an excellent strategy to build trust, credibility and good reputation within your sector or industry, and is also an excellent strategy that will also help you to build links, which will allow you to improve your SEO position and increase the qualified visits of your target audience, the more prestige you earn with your readers, the greater the sales opportunities and the benefits for your Internet business. Omar Jareno.


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About Omar Jareno

Director/Founder At SEO & Design Ltd

Omar Jareno in San Paul Church

Omar Jareno is a SEO specialist in London with more than thirteen (13) years of experience in online store design and development with the support of a multidisciplinary team of Professionals from the UK. If you need help with SEO, web design, social media marketing, email marketing strategies, or content development to successfully take your business to the internet, contact him through this website.


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Omar Jareno is a SEO specialist in London with more than fifteen (15) years of experience in online store design and development with the support of a multidisciplinary team of Professionals from the UK. If you need help with SEO, web design, social media marketing, email marketing strategies, or content development to successfully take your business to the internet, contact him through this website.

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