How to Develop an Email Marketing Campaign

How to Develop an Email Marketing Campaign

How to Develop an Email Marketing Campaign

Today email marketing continues to be one of the most useful tools for business on the Internet, it is a very effective means of communication for its low cost, easy and fast direct delivery to the user and allows the creation of lasting relationships between business and customer, so it will help you generate the confidence necessary to achieve greater business opportunities.

Email marketing is a very powerful tool that we can use both for the creation and segmentation of subscriber databases, loyalty of buyers or readers of our newsletter, as well as online stores for sale management, Sale and tracking of abandoned shopping carts.

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The development and implementation of an email marketing campaign should follow the following plan:

1. Objectives of the campaign.

The goals of an online marketing campaign can be to:

  • – Promotion of products or services.
  • – Customer loyalty.
  • – Attracting subscribers.
  • – Construct segmented Opt-In databases.
  • – Invitation to a course, workshop, event or seminar.

Once the campaign is over, you can easily determine if the target was reached and to what extent.

2. Campaign strategy.

A. Join venture.
A good strategy for your company is to realize with your competition a Join venture that will allow you to expand or obtain Opt-In databases.

B. Type of Message to use, text or HTML.
The message written in HTML format allows you to track, know which emails have been opened and the links that have been pressed by your prospects.

C. Frequency of shipment.
This is according to the campaign in question, but in no case should they be saturated with submissions to their database.

D. Generation of trust.
This is one of the biggest benefits obtained with the campaign, to generate bonds of trust and credibility between the clients and their business.

3. Software for the email marketing campaign.
Planning start-up or development of the software with which you will make the reception and sending of emails of your campaign. You can use for example: Mailchimp, GetResponse, AWeber, Infusionsoft or you could also directly use a professional autoresponder within the backoffice of your website.

4. Database.
Preparation of the Opt-In database of your clients or prospects, to which the messages of the campaign will be sent.

5. Creation and production of messages.
For the creation and production of the messages of the email campaign the following steps must be followed:

A. Email Customization.
With the name of who sends it (name of the newsletter and/or company logo) and who receives it.

B. Writing a “Power Title” in the “Subject line”.
Your prospects usually take a look at the titles in search of the most important emails and gives them priority or not for opening or discarding it directly to the trash. This should arouse interest for your customers or prospects to avidly read and read your email messages.

C. Writing the body of the message.
Some level of creativity is required for the writing of the texts of the message that we want to send. The writing of the first fifty (50) words is very important because with them you need to “arouse interest” and “hook” your reader. If possible, the message should be brief (2 or 3 paragraphs). The first paragraph of these first fifty words should be very well kept because depending on them the reader will continue reading the message or abandon it.

D. Generate a sense of belonging.
One of the objectives of their messages is to create in the minds of their recipients the sense of belonging, that is, to perceive that they belong to an exclusive group that is their interest.

E. Call to action.
If the campaign you are doing is to obtain a specific objective such as the subscription or sale of a product or service then you must include a call to action. It is about adding a link or a button (for example, Subscribe NOW or BUY NOW) that will direct the readers to the next step in the process.

F. Contact email.
You must include a contact email within your campaign messages so that your prospects can contact your company in case you need to ask questions.

G. Desuscription link.
You must include a link within the email campaign messages so that they can be unsubscribed. At the end of the message you should ALWAYS include a link so that your subscriber if you wish is removed from your database, in case you do not want to continue receiving emails from your business.

6. Graphic design.
You should be careful if you decide to include in the message, graphics, flash, audio or video animations, since in many cases there may be limitations of a technical nature, so not all mail programs will allow their recipients to see the message correctly, What I recommend is a kind of “hybrid” message that if they can be read by all your customers or prospects although apparently their email is a simple text message, without images, audio or video, is actually made in HTML format, this way you can highlight certain parts of your messages, highlighting them using bold, and you can add links to landing pages, which are mini sites. In these mini pages you can include all the graphics, audio and videos you need to reaffirm your message.

7. Landing page design.
Design of the landing landing page to which your customers or prospects will be directed by clicking the links within the messages of your campaign, in this is your sales letter or if it is the case the complementary pages of their interest.

8. Simulation of shipments.

  • – Before starting the shipments you have to test the whole process.
  • – You have to create “test” users contained within the database, to make the test shipments.
  • – Test with different messages and different lines of issues.
  • – Check that all the links contained in the message work and that they correctly lead to the landing page.
  • – Check that there are no misspellings that may have been overlooked.
  • – Check that the layout of the message is correct and has not undergone any alteration.
  • – Analysis of the results of the tests, to optimize the campaign before its launch.

9. Launch of the campaign.
Follow-up of the email marketing campaign, analyzing the percentage of opening emails, tracking the landing page, whether these sales or subscription and analysis of sales ratios of the product or service promoted if this is the case.

10. Analysis of the campaign.
Once the campaign is over you will get the results very quickly, which allows us an excellent capacity of reaction and control over it.

In this part you have to do an analysis of:

A. Number of shipments.
This indicates the emails that have arrived correctly to the subscriber, you can measure the quality of your database, if you have a high percentage of failed submissions you may have to do a review and even a database renewal.

B. Number of read messages (open rate).
Knowing the number of users who have opened the email, indicates the degree of interest of your subscriber, also shows that you have effectively created bonds of trust between your subscriber and your business.

C. Number of clicks obtained.
You can know it according to the number of visits obtained in the landing pages, these pages are to which the subscribers are directed when they click a link within the message, make a comparison between visits obtained to one or more landing pages and the shipments made, to measure in this way the ROI (return on investment) of your email marketing campaign.

D. End of campaign.
Once the campaign is finished and according to the analysis of all the variables involved in it, you can modify all the points that can be improved for the sake of an optimization for the continuity or the launching of the next campaigns.

11. Maintenance of email campaigns.
According to the strategic objectives of the campaign (customer loyalty, direct sale, promotion of products or services), it may or may not continue the campaign, either by continuing to manage customer relationships or prospects or by terminating it.

Test, test and re-test, each and every one of your messages, to turn them into a fine clockwork mechanism. It has to be analytical, observant and especially especially at first, while polishing and lubricating the whole machinery: very patient, the results will come, these are fruits of effort, patience and permanent testing of their campaigns. Building and generation trustful relationships is one of the biggest benefits of an email marketing campaign, plus its low cost, easy and quick direct delivery to your prospect allows you to gain greater business opportunities in this increasingly hypercompetitive communication media. Omar Jareno.


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Director/Founder At SEO & Design Ltd

Omar Jareno in San Paul Church

Omar Jareno is a SEO specialist in London with more than thirteen (13) years of experience in online store design and development with the support of a multidisciplinary team of Professionals from the UK. If you need help with SEO, web design, social media marketing, email marketing strategies, or content development to successfully take your business to the internet, contact him through this website.


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Omar Jareno is a SEO specialist in London with more than fifteen (15) years of experience in online store design and development with the support of a multidisciplinary team of Professionals from the UK. If you need help with SEO, web design, social media marketing, email marketing strategies, or content development to successfully take your business to the internet, contact him through this website.

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