How to Improve Conversion of Sales Letters

How to Improve Conversion of Sales Letters

How to Improve Conversion of Sales Letters

If you want to improve the conversion in sales letters to sell your company’s products or services, then you will need to capture attention, generate interest, ignite the fire of desire and finally call the buying action of your potential customers, is that is why it is very important that you know the right method for writing sales texts so that you can develop your sales letters correctly.

To improve the conversion of sales letters, ads, and even content, you must follow a logical four-step wording in all marketing messages, in such a way as to move your customers to make the final decision: purchase action.

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The writing guidelines you should use in your marketing messages and all sales texts or content to move to the buying action of your visitors should have the famous AIDA method.

What is the AIDA method?

The term AIDA is a communicative method used in marketing and advertising whose steps or phases used in sequence, produce a certain action.

Here is the AIDA method for creating ads, letters, sales texts or their content:

– Attention =  Attention is awakened.
– Interest    =  Interest is motivated by a product or a service.
– Desire       =  Desire is stimulated.
– Action       =  It causes or induces a default action (the purchase of your product or service).

As you can see, if you follow the logical steps of the AIDA method in the wording, and if you use the appropriate words, they will naturally and chained step by step move your visitors or prospects to take the purchase action. Keep in mind that your sales text is probably the only contact you will have with the vast majority of your visitors when submitting your offers or promotions.

Here is a summary of each of the steps of this method:

– Attention.
To awaken the attention of your visitors or prospects you will need a powerful title, it is undoubtedly the most important part of your letters, advertisements or sales texts, because it is the element that will capture the Attention of your visitor or prospect and Will make you stay within your sales page, so this way you will get to keep reading what you have to offer.

To engage your visitors and prospects I will provide some examples of attractive headlines that arouse curiosity as these words prove in themselves that they are the solution to solve a problem or a need:

– How to Lower 30lbs in 30 Days.
– Learn to Develop Your Memory by Sleeping.
– Secrets Unveiled of High Cuisine.
– How to Revive the Flame of the Passion.
– The Truth to the Nude of Natural Medicine.
– Discover How to Make Your First Million.
– Confidential Report: How to Make Money Without Just Investing.
– Discover ALL The Truth About MLM Business.

Always keep in mind that the title and main paragraph are the two most important points you should review or audit to determine why your prospects are not being hooked to your sales letters, texts or content.

– Interest.
Now that the Attention of your visitors or prospects has awakened, you will have to keep your Interest alive so you will need to have them tied to continue reading your sales page or letter, to get it you have to attract the reader by building value with a need or desire to satisfy around your product or service and should show you with an appealing text the exciting central benefit you will receive with your product or service so that you can direct them to the next step.

The key in this step of the AIDA method is to know how to use persuasion techniques, to retain the attention you have captured from the previous step. deepen the connection you have made with your client around one of your most pressing problems or desires, which will provoke an emotional reaction.

– Desire.
In this step you must have awakened the Attention, You have managed to keep Interest and now you have to increase the Desire. This will be achieved by increasing the perception of value and showing you all the benefits you will receive with the purchase of your product or service.

Do not confuse as many do, features with benefits, features are the most tangible part of a product or service while the benefits that is what really matters to your customers or prospects are a direct consequence of those characteristics. If you have not already done so, you now have to turn all those features of your product or service into profits.

Once you have extracted the benefits you must present each of them in a list in the form of subtitles, the great advantage that has the presentation of the benefits in this way is that they are more pleasant and easy to read, I recommend that you highlight the words Key of the list of benefits in highlight bold.

The important thing in this step is to show and highlight each of the benefits of your product or service, so if you write your sales text correctly you can generate emotions and get directly to the heart of your visitors or prospects.

– Action.
We have reached the last step, in which if you want people to buy your product or service you must make a clear “Call for Action”, you have to explain exactly what you want them to do, you have to tell them how to do it and also make it easy to That they do. But above all it must strongly motivate your visitor or prospect to take action immediately.

The words that generate action are those that are in affirmative mode and the imperatives within the sentences of your letters, advertisements or sales texts. Some examples of these phrases with an imperative or a statement that generate in your visitors a purchase action are as follows:

– The Moment of Investing is NOW!
– Buy it NOW before it’s Over
– Try and Check Right Now This Excellent Limited Promotion!

An example if you want your visitors to buy your product or service is to present a link with an “Action Call” like this:

To Download IMMEDIATELY The Product or Service X.

Tell them what they will miss if they do not act now, give your visitors or prospects clear, easy-to-understand instructions on how to make a purchase, and explain what they can expect when they click on the link that leads them to the order page. Never let them guess, if you want people to buy your product or service, you have to tell them how to do it and explain clearly and in detail how the purchase process is done.

In this last step, you need to close the sale, for this you must also take into account that you must eliminate the fear or risk of purchase, so you must offer guarantees of satisfaction. Another important point is to include postdatas and double postdatas. In case you are offering the subscription to your newsletter, please include a privacy policy that is clear.

Before applying the AIDA method, it is very important that you also know How to Write Sales Letters, because you need and must learn the basic principles of writing sales texts to design your content correctly.

Finally, another recommendation that will help you a lot to improve the conversion of your sales letters is to learn How to Use Words That Shoot Shopping.

Most likely, your sales letters, ads, or content will be the only means of contact you will have with the vast majority of your visitors when presenting your offers or promotions, if you are able to develop them properly and efficiently will improve the conversion, because your marketing messages will reach the heart of your visitors, awakening the need, desire and strong motivation that will move them to the purchase of your products or services. Omar Jareno.


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Director/Founder At SEO & Design Ltd

Omar Jareno in San Paul Church

Omar Jareno is a SEO specialist in London with more than thirteen (13) years of experience in online store design and development with the support of a multidisciplinary team of Professionals from the UK. If you need help with SEO, web design, social media marketing, email marketing strategies, or content development to successfully take your business to the internet, contact him through this website.


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Omar Jareno is a SEO specialist in London with more than fifteen (15) years of experience in online store design and development with the support of a multidisciplinary team of Professionals from the UK. If you need help with SEO, web design, social media marketing, email marketing strategies, or content development to successfully take your business to the internet, contact him through this website.

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